Loaded Pen
Loaded Pen
Dear Blume Jar

Dear Blume Jar

It's Me, A Mad Lib Performance
awkward teen confusion pop culture americana 1970s

Dear Blume Jar It's Me, A Mad Lib Performance

Adapted for cell screen by Elliot Lessing with Mickey purring

awkward teen confusion pop culture americana 1970s

Are you there ___Astronomy___? It’s me, ___Serendipity___. We’re moving today. I’m so scared ___Quantum___. I’ve never ___whistled___ anywhere but here. Suppose I hate my new ___enigma___? Suppose everybody there hates ___Balanoglossus___? Please help me ___Proboscidian___. Don’t let ___threadfish___ be too horrible. Thank you.

awkward teen confusion pop culture americana 1970s

We moved on the Tuesday before ___Utopia___ Day. I knew what the ___cascade___ was like the second I got up. I knew because I caught my mother sniffing under her ___nimbus___. She always does that when it’s ___Mephistophelian___ and ___Archeological___, to make sure her ___Harmony’s___ working. I don’t use deodorant yet. I don’t think people start to ___Eternalize___ bad until they’re at least ___salad___. So I’ve still got a few months to go.

awkward teen confusion pop culture americana 1970s

I was really surprised when I came home from ___novelizing___ and found out our New ___Zephyr___ ___Eclipse___ had been ___mavericked___ to another ___Nebula___ and that we owned a ___crutch___ in ___Bewrayment___, New ___Womanhead___. First of all I never even heard of ___Fingrigo___. And second of all, I’m not usually left out of important family ___dolphins___.

awkward teen confusion pop culture americana 1970s

But when I groaned, “Why ___Freedom___?” I was told, “___Gastronome___ is too social —___Mystery___ is too expensive — and ___Ancientness___ is too ___unaware___.”


Mad Lib It Your Own _blank_ Self!

You can create and record your own Dear Blume Jar Mad Lib Performance by replacing my randomly generated Mad Lib words with yours!


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Loaded Pen
Loaded Pen
Hi! Welcome to Loaded Pen! My personal lil zzlubstack where I'm experimenting with writing - with a dash of spontaneous art, comix & poetry thrown in. Not guaranteed to be ick-free or even zit-free. But join me on my journey anyway. You may dig it.
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Elliot Lessing