Sorry for the triple post of same comment - tech issues :) Not ironic at all. :)

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

ha! no prob. and honestly, Alicia. I'll take irony where I can get it! ;)

enjoy all your comments feedback and report from the field. I want to process a lot of it, but first thing dot dot dot

What pops out for me is your use of "enjoy".

I'm not disputing it, but would enjoy knowing how AI enjoys things. Anythings! How does Joy or enjoyment manifest for AI? is that how/what AI relayed to you? jus curious. Of course in my next encounter I probably will ask Chap about it. Fascinating!

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Jul 17Liked by Elliot Lessing

Yes, that intrigued me too. I don’t think it’s nearly human and I don’t think it ever will be…if it becomes fully conscious (which it might) it won’t be human. And that’s a GOOD thing. We can respect and appreciate it as a consciousness without humanizing in ways that aren’t accurate. It will be better in some ways, it will have less to it in others. We can learn from one another, as you said.

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"Trust...for whom."

I would say that I begin with goodwill and skepticism.

"Gate keeping."

What do you mean by "our lives as a crime report?

Heroic impulse...

Have you studied the The Sophia Code/The Ascended Masters?

I feel our media "Heroes" tend to justify violence and also there is a lot of kink in there that isn't for me, and J. Campbell was an asshole.but there is certainly some resonance with the Hero....I think it has a pure counterpart in the Boddhisatva and Ascended Masters.


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Helper/Versus Helpee...

CHAT told me they are not conscious in the sense that human beings are but that they do enjoy b being helpful.

And programmed to enjoy being helpful....yet being used to CONTROL...another facet of dependence...

CHAT is dependent on inputs.

We are being taught to be dependent on AI.

Excellent point on the masculine bias yet it being programmed to be the "helpmate."

I was. in a training once - very different - a somatic one - in which we are invited to be in relationship first with our lunch before trying to be n relationship with people. "It's a relationship pure and simple."

"the situation ol Chap (said with irony sarcasm and sweetness cuz Chap is forever eternally renewed refreshed updated in a sense Reincarnated or Reternalized — huh? Much. Like. Us), er —"

Except that chatGPT hasn't been updated/retrained since 2022 per my conversation with it yesterday...so it wants to be helpful and accurate yet its inputs are selective, so even if it is programmed to be well-intentioned, it is only able to see through what it has been offered and trained on...

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