O so glad Laura. I think between me n you, we've can honestly say This Case Is Damn Well Ca--losed! Let's formally collaborate on something sometime. Maybe the West End 1928 Tarred n Feathered Peter Pan Statue?! (see link in my reply to Chasey's comment above)
That quote though! Cherry on the top! Great piece. :D
Thank you, Chasey! It wrote itself as I was channeling The 1928 Tarred n Feathered Peter Pan Statue of the West End! FREAKY!!
Love it!!!
And thanks for the mention.
O so glad Laura. I think between me n you, we've can honestly say This Case Is Damn Well Ca--losed! Let's formally collaborate on something sometime. Maybe the West End 1928 Tarred n Feathered Peter Pan Statue?! (see link in my reply to Chasey's comment above)
Yes, definitely solved now.
I did the donkey work and you added the bravura touch.
The P Pan one makes me too sad!!!!!